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And nocreature on four legs is blue!'The teasing and taunting hurt the poor colt, and in itsloneliness, it wandered from the meadow into the deepwoods, hoping only to hide.Deep in the wood, it came to an ancient oak. There it layin the leaves and cried. The old oak looked down and tookpity. Trees don't usually bother talking to the walkingcreatures, but today it would make an exception.'What troubles you, young Unicorn?' The tree started. Thecolt looked up in amazement.'I am not loved or wanted. I am a blue horse, and I don'tfit in.' sobbed the colt.'Nonsense,' said the tree, 'You are a Unicorn, and themeadow where you belong can be seen by my highest leaves,just over there.' The tree pointed a branch through thewood.Quickly, the colt sprang through the woods into theclearing of sweet grass. There in the meadow were otherslike it. Unicorns, some red, some yellow, some green, andall with horns.The colt galloped in and was soon greeted and playedmerrily with the others. There it grew,. Both Sam and Nick hooted at me kissing Ashley. I moved the mistletoe around in a circular motion letting them wonder where it would stop. I paused over my head but then moved it over Ashley's exposed cleavage. I looked over at Sam and said, “Well?” Sam didn’t need to be asked twice; he grabbed her tits and started kissing her cleavage. As Ashley moaned I grabbed Nick’s hand and told him that I was going to give him a tour of the house. He looked a little surprised as we walked off with my husband kissing his wife’s tits. When we got to the bedroom I grabbed Nick, pressing my lips against his, pushing my tongue in his mouth. I ground my hips against his very hard cock as our tongues mixed. I broke our embrace just long enough to unbutton my blouse and expose my tits. I pulled out the mistletoe waiving it over my tits saying, “Your turn.” Nick hesitated just for a second then engulfed my left nipple with his mouth. Nick hungrily sucked on my tits as I moaned. I pulled him back up.
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